May Festivities
in Los Realejos, Tenerife
Tulia Guesthouse is located in the heart of Calle el Medio, in the center of Los Realejos (Alto) in Tenerife North. Our colorful little town is reputed to be the municipality with the most celebrations in Spain, with no fewer than 80 festivities a year! The climax comes is in May, when every day is a festival. Let's take a look at the highlights of this very special month.

Cruces y Fuegos
May 2nd & 3rd · Visit the dedicated website
Cruces y Fuegos is one of the biggest celebrations of the year in Los Realejos, and has even become a festival of national tourist interest! The origins of this celebration date back to 1770: the residents of El Sol Street and El Medio Street engaged in a pitched battle on Cruz Day. El Sol was home to farmers and sharecroppers, while El Medio housed landowners. The two sides, representing different social classes, competed to offer the most lively and spectacular festivity. This rivalry culminated in the celebration of 'la papada': a feast of eating, drinking, and dancing, with everyone toasting to life. This contest has enhanced the artistic value of the festival, ensuring its continuity and tradition. Now, the residents of both streets have leveled their social differences, keeping the 'rivalry' alive as an excuse to engage in friendly competition.
This is a celebration of the community, funded by the local residents. Both young and old dedicate themselves enthusiastically throughout the year to beautify the streets and showcase the essence of this welcoming place, proud of its culture. That's why both associations consist of people from the town, who selflessly uphold a centuries-old tradition.
As soon as the month of May begins, the residents of El Sol Street and El Medio Street start to prepare. The challenge of one is answered by the other, launching into the air the most colorful and resounding fireworks festival that can be seen. After the rivalry, there are no wounded or victors, as everyone believes they have won, and the celebration starts equally on both sides.
We invite you to have a look at the fireworks held from Calle El Medio, that could be seen from our rooftop terrace at Tulia Guesthouse - without any doubt, the most impressive fireworks we have ever seen:

Everyday celebrations
A month of pure joy!
Besides May 2 and 3, the whole month is a party! As soon as Cruces y Fuegos is over, the inhabitants of Los Realejos get together to prepare for the following year. The very next day, the locals hold a big "family" party in the church square, where the two streets (El Sol and El Medio) set up food stalls. There's music, sharing between neighbors, dancing and lots of great stories! Events take place almost every evening: musical processions, concerts, children's activities and more.
We've collected several moments in this video below:

La Romería
de San Isidro Labrador y Santa María de la Cabeza · end of May
It is here, as the crowds gather, that the identity of the people of the town shines through. There are folk music troupes from each of the seven islands, ornamental carts pulled by oxen, decorated agricultural vehicles, and people dressed in the traditional folk clothes (magos). The procession travels 2km, accompanied at all times by live music and folk dancing.
During the procession, the food and drink that is being carried on the carts is shared with the crowd and with tourists. The typical food on this type of procession includes: boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, kneaded gofio, bananas, roasted meat, and good wine.
Thousands of people gather in the municipality for this event. The participants, both in the parade and in the crowds, be they residents or tourists, can enjoy processions of up to six hours. Once the procession ends the festivities usually continue in the surrounding streets with dancing and music.
Source: Los Realejos Travel

Staying in May in Los Realejos allows you to fully immerse yourself in the rich culture of Tenerife, while connecting with the local community and have a lot of fun! Will you join us next year? :)